106. Eberglo The Miracle Mare 2017

Nature's Wave and Eberglo Vitamin & Mineral Supplement presents the Story of Wilma Martin's Standardbred Mare, fed with Eberglo after accidentally eating nearly a bag of grain. Listen to Wilma Martin, how she nursed this horse back to health, fighting colic and founder, and reads part of a letter written by the attending Veterinarian Kyle Steeves DVM.

Eberglo Draft Horse Challenge announced!

The new Eberglo Draft Horse Challenge builds on the foundation of the Fiske's Ultimate Supreme Draft Horse Challenge, which Eberglo co-sponsored with Fiske's Animal Care Products.

The format and point system will remain basically the same. Both the Canadian Atlantic Region and the Central Region will include 5 shows each, where Canadian owned Draft Horses of all breeds, ages and genders will compete in the halter division. Points for each horse will be tallied from each show. An Ultimate Supreme Champion from all breeds will named at each show.

Ribbons, products, and special prizes to be won!